Effortlessly Get 100+ LinkedIn Post Ideas in Less than 10 Minutes

By | Last Updated: 10 August 2024

Does the thought of coming up with fresh content ideas often leave you in a state of perplexity? Trying to develop fresh content ideas? BRIALO's Idea Generator has you covered, with the ability to generate 30+ ideas for any topic. Let's explore how to harness this innovative tool.

Imagine you want to write on 'copywriting,' with your target audience being 'aspiring copywriters.' Your objective? Helping them land their first paid assignment. That sounds like a challenge. Not with BRIALO's Idea Generator.

Here are the steps to follow - 

1. Login / Signup to BRiALO

2. If you are a new user, finish the onboarding process

3. Click on Idea generation

4. Fill in the details like Topic, who will benefit and what they will achieve

5. And click on generate ideas.

Click 'generate ideas,' and just like magic, you're presented with multiple engaging content suggestions. For instance, "The Ultimate Guide: Here's How to Land Your First Paid Copywriting Assignment". This idea alone could be transformed into a LinkedIn post, a podcast episode, or YouTube video.

Found an idea that resonates with you? Copy it, save it for future use, or start creating your content immediately and still waiting? Click 'load more ideas,' and you'll have a fresh batch of potential content waiting for you.

The Idea Generator doesn't just spit out random ideas; it provides a funnelled approach, offering content that aligns with your initial intent. For example, you can share top tips, hacks, advice, and frameworks that have led you to success. You might create content that delves into how to build an impressive portfolio as an aspiring copywriter.

Moreover, the Idea Generator keeps you updated with the latest trends, providing relevant and timely content. For instance, it might suggest a post discussing the influence of using numbers in copywriting based on 2021's data.

You could also explore the reasons why some copywriters succeed while others struggle. The Idea Generator empowers you to delve deep into such topics, encouraging thoughtful, engaging content.

BRIALO's Idea Generator can help you brainstorm 10, 20, or even 30 new content ideas in just a few minutes, ensuring you never have to stare at a blank screen again. So, why wait? Happy creating! Dive into the world of endless content possibilities with BRIALO.

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